"my|place" provides medium to long term accommodation for young people. We support them practically by helping them to learn home-skills and social skills, and also encourage development in spiritual faith. The goal of my|place is to assist young people between the ages of 16-25 year to move towards independent living.I started bright and early at 6.45am with a group of volunteers who were manning the BBQ and made over 300 Egg and Bacon Rolls for the hungry riders and volunteers. Almost $1200 was raised in BBQ sales which was donated to the Fatherhood Foundation, Dads 4 Kids.

Many made the 40KM ride around Lake Illawarra with sponsorship of up to $3799 for one person! Teams rode together and supported their team mates along the way.
I met Claudia Blackmore and Josie Shanahan from team HOT WHEELS and they are jumping with joy for finishing the race.

[ Slideshow of photos ]
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